

As a designer I am always looking for music to listen to as I work, music that inspires me and does not distract me from my current project. I tend to listen to a lot of ambiant music and as of late that means I listen to a lot of Schiller. Named after the German poet Friedrich Schiller, Schiller was...

Borja Bonaque


Borja Bonaque is a designer / illustrator from Valencia, Spain. He’s produced artwork for Elwood, Financial Times, Wallpaper, Zoo York, New Scientist, Rioja Wines, Bancaja, House & Garden and Wired Magazine and has a style that I have’t quite seen before. Feast your eyes. There is a timeless trippy-ness here that his worth taking in and a comprehensive exploration of man...


Gotye, Somebody that I use to know

This week I found a great song that will not get out of my head.  Gotye (a.k.a. Wally, born Wouter, De Backer) has a catchy little ditty called Somebody that I Used to Know (Video Below).  If you go by their Youtube views (67,314,097 at last count) I am neither the only nor the first one to enjoy the song....

The Consult


Some great layout design from Leeds based studio, The Consult.

Hey Days


Hey Days is an Oslo based studio that was founded in 2008. They’re small but nimble and they take amazing photographs of their work which they show with pride in high-res on their site. Really enjoying their minimal aesthetic which is both playful and sophisticated, their attention to detail and their obvious love and mastery of the craft.

Lana Del Rey


So a few days ago my girlfriend (Diane) comes home all excited about a new song she heard on Pandora.  The song was called “Blue Jeans” (video below) and the artist was Lana Del Rey from New York.  Curiously, I researched this new artist online  and discovered another single from Ms. Del Rey titled “Video Games” and, honestly, I was...



I was spending a little QT time with Youtube the other day when I came across a crazy video of some guys jumping off a cliff set to a really great song.  After a little work I was able to track the song down and it turns out the song is called Sail and the band is Awolnation.  Since than...

California Gold


Just saw these up and coming prints from California design team, Lab Partners. The poster will be available around the new year and I for one will be buying the set. Beautiful work, can’t wait to get my hands on em.

Christopher Monro DeLorenzo


Christopher DeLorenzo is a designer and illustrator currently working as the head designer at Johnny Cupcakes Inc. Before that he worked as the Associate Art Director for Saatchi & Saatchi in NYC. His work brings displays a playfulness as well as a deep understanding of his craft.        



I came across the firm BOND via the wonderfully elegant design blog September Industry. BOND is a creative firm out of Helsinki, Finland. They have this refreshingly traditional approach to design that is timeless, clean and to the point. It’s sophisticated yet their’s a warmth to it that I love. Especially dig their illustration for “Childrens Hospital”.

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